====== Final Fantasy Tactics Battleground (FFTBG) Beginner's Guide Part Three ====== Enjoying the tournaments but can't seem to enter? Let's talk about ''**!priority**'' and ''**!snub**'' ===== Understanding !priority ===== Priority is a system that helps determine who gets to enter the tournament. The bot doesn't just take the highest priority entries, it picks a random entry from the queue and then rolls a die to see if that entry gets in. The number on the die is your priority percentage. For example, if your priority is 25, you'll have a 75% chance of getting __rerolled__ ==== How to Calculate Your Priority ==== Your priority is calculated based on the following factors: * **Positive Factors** * Base Priority: 30 * Not Admitted in Previous Tournament: +40 * Subscribed: +20 * No Parameters: +10 * Using Current Skill Bonus: +5 * Excluding GilgameHeart Skill: +5 * **Negative Factors** * Recently Used Skill or Monster: -3 to -10 * Uncommon Skill or Strong Monster: -10 * Rare Skill or Elite Monster: -15 * Entered at Least Once in Last Three Tournaments: -25% to -50% (-50% for the first two, -25% on the third) * Rolling on a Team that Doesn't Match Your Allegiance: -1 (-2 if that team is opposed to your color) ===== What is !snub? ===== Up to three slots are reserved for people who have been rejected from the tournament many times in a row. This is called a "snub streak." The people with the longest snub streaks will be admitted to the tournament, even if they have a low priority. If there is a tie for the longest snub streak, priority will be used as a tiebreaker. For example, if there are 100 people who have been rejected from the tournament 5 times in a row, the top 3 people with the highest priority will be admitted to the tournament. If there are 2 people with the same priority, the person with the longest snub streak will be admitted to the tournament. You can check your ''!snub'' amount of consecutive times you've submitted a tournament entry without being admitted.