====== Summon Magic ====== Moogle, Shiva, Ramuh, Ifrit, Titan, Golem, Carbunkle, Bahamut, Odin, Leviathan, Salamander, Sylph, Fairy, Lich, Cyclops, Zodiac. ===== Summon Magic Abilities ===== ^Ability Name^Range^AoE^CT^MP Cost^Element^Hit%^Effect^Primary Roll%^Secondary Roll%^ |Moogle|4|2|3|15||Faith(MA + 150)%|Cancel Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Oil, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Don't Move, Don't Act; If successful, Heal (10)%|77%|70%| |Shiva|4|2|4|26|Ice||Damage Faith(MA * 23)|50%|35%| |Ramuh|4|2|4|26|Lightning||Damage Faith(MA * 23)|50%|35%| |Ifrit|4|2|4|26|Fire||Damage Faith(MA * 23)|50%|35%| |Fairy|4|2|6|30|||Heal Faith(MA * 24)|50%|35%| |Titan|4|2|5|34|Earth||Damage Faith(MA * 27)|50%|35%| |Golem|0|0(Global)|4|38||[(Faith/100) * (MA + 225)]%| Set target team's Golem to MaxHP; Until depleted, any damage from a basic Attack is dealt to the Golem instead|50%|35%| |Carbunkle|4|2|8|36||Faith(MA + 140)%|Effect: Cancel Death, Undead, Petrify, Charm, Sleep, Death Sentence; If successful, Heal (20)%|64%|56%| |Sylph|4|2|7|42|Wind||Damage Faith(MA * 30); Chance to add Silence|50%|35%| |Salamander|4|2|8|46|Fire||Damage Faith(MA * 32); Chance to add Oil|49%|30%| |Leviathan|4|3|9|50|Water||Damage Faith(MA * 36)|50%|35%| |Odin|4|3|10|56|Holy||Damage Faith(MA * 39)|37%|21%| |Bahamut|4|3|11|62|Dark||Damage Faith(MA * 44)|28%|16%| |Cyclops|4|2|11|66|||Damage Faith(MA * 50)|34%|18%| |Lich|4|2|9|44|Dark|Faith(MA + 160)%|Damage (60)%|45%|25%| |Zodiac|4|3|13|99|||Damage Faith(MA * 99)|8%|2%|