Table of Contents

Weapons List

TypeWeapon NameWPEvade%EffectRarity
AxeBattle Axe 10 10% +2 PACommon
AxeRune Axe 13 15% Half: Fire, Lightning, Ice; Chance to cast Manaburn.Common
AxeGiant Axe 15 6% Chance to reduce -2 PACommon
AxeSlasher 18 4% Chance to Add SlowCommon
BagCute Bag 101%+1 MA; Strengthen Water; Initial ReflectCommon
BagPanther Bag 124% Strengthen Earth; Permanent Regen; Immune Death SentenceCommon
BagHydra Bag 152%+1 Speed; Strengthen Wind; Immune PoisonCommon
BagStar Bag 203% Common
BookAcademic Tome630%Half: Wind, Earth, Water; Chance to cast PersuadeCommon
BookBattle Folio 7 25%+1 PACommon
BookBestiary819%+1 MACommon
BookPapyrus Codex106%Element: Water; Chance to Add Faith, Innocence (Random)Common
BookMadlemgen1313%Element: Dark; Chance to cast Dark Holy Rare
BowLong Bow 6 3% Common
BowSilver Bow 7 4% +2 MA; Element: Ice Common
BowMythril Bow 8 1% +1 SpeedCommon
BowWindslash Bow 9 15% +1 Jump; Element: WindCommon
BowLightning Bow 102% Element: Lightning; Chance to cast Bolt 2Common
BowUltimus Bow 125% Common
BowYoichi Bow 142% +1 MoveRare
BowPerseus Bow 151% Rare
CrossbowBow Gun58% Element: Fire; +2 PACommon
CrossbowNight Killer613% +1 MA; Chance to Add DarknessCommon
CrossbowHunting Bow711% Chance to Reduce -1 SpeedCommon
CrossbowVenom Bow97% Chance to Add Poison Common
CrossbowArbalest1110% Common
CrossbowGastrophetes149%Chance to cast CompressRare
FabricPersia 9 55% +1 PACommon
FabricCashmere 1265% Chance to cast Witch HuntCommon
FabricRyozan Silk 15 45% Chance to Add StopCommon
FlailFlail 11 2%Chance to Cancel Charging, Defending, PerformingCommon
FlailFlame Whip 14 3%Element: Fire; Chance to cast Fire 2Common
FlailMorning Star 16 5%Chance to Add OilCommon
FlailScorpion Tail 23 1% Element: Earth; Chance to cast Nether DemonRare
GunRomanda Gun76% Common
GunMythril Gun94% +1 Speed Common
GunStone Gun128%Immune: Petrify, Float; Initial: SlowUncommon
GunBlast Gun135%Element: Lightning Uncommon
GunBlaze Gun135%Element: FireUncommon
GunGlacier Gun135%Element: IceUncommon
HarpLamia Harp912% Chance to Add ConfusionCommon
HarpBloody Strings11 (absorb)7% Common
HarpFairy Harp1417% Chance to Add CharmCommon
KatanaAsura Knife1115%+2 MA; Chance to Add BerserkCommon
KatanaKoutetsu Knife1218%+1 Move, +1 JumpCommon
KatanaBizen Boat13 25%+1 SpeedCommon
KatanaMurasame14 15%Chance to Cast Demi 2Common
KatanaHeaven's Cloud15 21%Element: HolyCommon
KatanaMuramasa16 15%Element: DarkCommon
KatanaKiyomori18 29%+1 MACommon
KatanaKikuichimonji 19 16%+1 PACommon
KatanaMasamune21 14%+2 SpeedRare
KatanaChirijiraden 24 15%Initial Haste; Chance to Cast Blade BeamRare
Knight SwordDefender 1760% Very Common
Knight SwordSave the Queen1923%Permanent ProtectCommon
Knight SwordRagnarok 20 27%Permanent ShellCommon
Knight SwordExcalibur 22 35% Absorb Holy; Strengthen Holy; Initial Haste; Chance to cast Explosion SwordRare
Knight SwordChaos Blade2519%Absorb Dark; Strengthen Dark; Permanent Regen; Chance to add PetrifyRare
KnifeDagger45%+2 SpeedCommon
KnifeThief Knife5 18% Chance to Cast Steal AccessoryCommon
KnifeMythril Knife5 9%+1 SpeedCommon
KnifeMage Masher6 10% Chance to Add SilenceCommon
KnifeMain Gauche7 40% Common
KnifeOrichalcum7 7% Initial HasteCommon
KnifeAssassin Dagger8 15% Chance to Add Death SentenceCommon
KnifeCultist Dagger913%Chance to Add UndeadCommon
KnifeAir Knife103%Element: Wind; +1 PACommon
KnifeZorlin Shape12 11% Chance to add Blood Suck, Sleep (Random)Rare
Ninja BladeKunai 4 9% +1 MoveCommon
Ninja BladeShort Blade 6 6% +1 SpeedCommon
Ninja BladeBlind Knife 8 8% Chance to Add DarknessCommon
Ninja BladeNinja Edge 10 20% Chance to Cast FoxbirdCommon
Ninja BladeSpell Edge 11 4% Chance to Add Don't ActCommon
Ninja BladeSasuke Knife 12 15% Common
Ninja BladeIga Knife 13 12% Chance to Cast DashRare
Ninja BladeKoga Knife 14 5% +1 JumpRare
PoleCypress Pole 721%+1 MA +1 SpeedCommon
PoleBattle Bamboo8 28%+2 PACommon
PoleMusk Stick920%Chance to reduce -2 MA Common
PoleIron Fan1024%+1 Move Common
PoleGokuu Rod1122%Chance to Add InnocentCommon
PoleIvory Cane 1226%Element: Earth Common
PoleOctagon Rod1418%Chance to cancel Float, Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell, Haste, Faith, Reflect.Common
PoleWhale Whisker1620%Element: WaterRare
RodRod 3 24%Absorb LightningCommon
RodPoison Rod 4 17%+2 PA; Chance to Add PoisonCommon
RodWizard Rod 5 20%+2 MACommon
RodFlame Rod 3 20%Element: Fire; Effect: Chance to cast Fire; Strengthen FireCommon
RodIce Rod 3 20%Element: Ice; Effect: Chance to cast Ice; Strengthen Ice Common
RodThunder Rod 3 20%Element: Lightning; Chance to cast Bolt; Strengthen LightningCommon
RodFaith Rod 4 22%Immune Innocent; Initial Faith; Chance to Add Faith Rare
RodDragon Rod 7 12%+1 PA; Initial Reraise; Immune Frog Common
SpearJavelin 5 7%Chance to cast Spin FistCommon
SpearSpear 7 12%+1 JumpCommon
SpearHalberd 8 10%Half: Holy, DarkCommon
SpearMythril Spear 9 5%+1 SpeedCommon
SpearPartisan 1016% Common
SpearObelisk 11 9%+1 MA, Element: Water Common
SpearHoly Lance 13 10%Element: Holy. Effect: Chance to cast HolyCommon
SpearDragon Whisker 15 8% Permanent ShellRare
SpearGungnir 17 10%Element: WindRare
StaffPower Staff 4 13%+1 PA, +1 MACommon
StaffOak Staff 419%Absorb WaterCommon
StaffWhite Staff 5 16% Chance to Cast Life BreakCommon
StaffRainbow Staff 6 11%Element: Earth; +1 SpeedCommon
StaffGold Staff 7 23%Chance to cast Spell AbsorbCommon
StaffHealing Staff 8 (Heal) 14% Common
StaffSage Staff 9 17%Permanent ProtectRare
StaffMace of Zeus 11 21%+2 PA; Chance to Cast Steal StatusRare
SwordIron Sword 5 14% +1 PA +1 Jump Common
SwordNagrarock 6 50% +2 MA; Permanent Evil; Initial Float; Chance to add Frog.Rare
SwordMythril Sword 7 8% +1 Speed Common
SwordSleep Sword820% Chance to Add Sleep Common
SwordBlood Sword 8 (absorb) 3% Common
SwordCoral Sword 9 10%Element: Lightning; +1 MoveCommon
SwordAncient Sword 10 5%Chance to Add Don't MoveCommon
SwordDiamond Sword 11 26% Common
SwordIce Brand 12 6%Element: Ice; Chance to Cast Ice 2Common
SwordPlatinum Sword 13 11% Common
SwordRune Blade 14 10%+1 MACommon
SwordMateria Blade 16 7% Strengthen Wind, Earth, Water Rare
ShieldAegis Shield6%34%+1 MAUncommon
ShieldEscutcheon7%8%+1 Speed, +1 JumpCommon
ShieldBuckler16%3% Common
ShieldBronze Shield18%8% Common
ShieldRound Shield12%17% Common
ShieldMythril Shield22%6%+1 SpeedCommon
ShieldGold Shield26%13% Common
ShieldIce Shield28%4%Absorb Ice, Half FireCommon
ShieldFlame Shield31%2%Absorb Fire, Half IceCommon
ShieldDiamond Shield33%11% Common
ShieldPlatinum Shield37%5% Common
ShieldCrystal Shield40%7% Common
ShieldKaiser Plate43%23%Strengthen Fire, Lightning, IceRare
ShieldVenetian Shield46%19%Half Fire, Lightning, IceRare
ShieldGenji Shield50%1% Uncommon
ShieldHero Shield55%28% Rare

Equipment List

TypeEquipment NameHPMPEffectRarity
ClothingClothes+33+18+1 MoveCommon
ClothingLeather Outfit+36+12+1 SpeedCommon
ClothingMystic Vest+40+20+1 MACommon
ClothingSecret Clothes+45+4+2 Speed, Initial TransparentVery Uncommon
ClothingChain Shirt+50+1+1 JumpCommon
ClothingMirage Vest+56+8+1 SpeedCommon
ClothingAdamant Vest+62+16+1 PACommon
ClothingScholar Outfit+68+10+2 MACommon
ClothingBrigandine+74+22 Common
ClothingJudo Outfit+80+6+1 PA, Immune DeathCommon
ClothingPower Sleeve+87+0+2 PACommon
ClothingEarth Clothes+93+14Absorb Earth, Strengthen EarthCommon
ClothingBlack Costume+101+2Strengthen Dark; Immune StopCommon
ClothingRubber Costume+120+30Half Lightning, Immune SlowRare
RobeLinen Robe+35+15+1 MA, +1 MoveCommon
RobeSilk Robe+41+19+1 SpeedCommon
RobeWizard Robe+48+24+2 MACommon
RobeChameleon Robe+57+28Absorb Holy, Strengthen Water, Immune Don't MoveCommon
RobeBlack Robe+66+39Strengthen Fire, Lightning, IceCommon
RobeWhite Robe+75+33Half Fire, Lightning, IceCommon
RobeLight Robe+84+45+1 MA, Absorb DarkCommon
RobeRobe of Lords+98+60+1 PA, +1 MA, Initial Protect, ShellRare
ArmorLeather Armor+39+6+1 SpeedCommon
ArmorLinen Cuirass+46+11+1 MoveCommon
ArmorBronze Armor+52+4 Common
ArmorChain Mail+58+0+1 Jump, Immune Don't ActCommon
ArmorMythril Armor+64+2+1 SpeedCommon
ArmorPlate Mail+70+0+1 PACommon
ArmorGold Armor+77+9 Common
ArmorDiamond Armor+86+7 Common
ArmorPlatinum Armor+95+0 Common
ArmorCarabini Mail+105+0Half Wind, Earth, WaterCommon
ArmorCrystal Mail+115+3 Common
ArmorReflect Mail+125+5Permanent ReflectVery Uncommon
ArmorGenji Armor+140+1 Uncommon
ArmorMaximillian+160+0+1 PA, +1 Move; Immune OilRare
HatRibbon+27+27Immune Death, Undead, Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Oil, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act.Common
HatCachusha+29+27+1 MA, Immune Death, Darkness, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Stop, Charm, Don't ActVery Uncommon
HatBarette+25+29+1 PA, Immune Undead, Petrify, Confusion, Blood Suck, Berserk, Slow, Sleep, Don't Move, Death Sentence.Very Uncommon
HatLeather Cap+31+10+1 SpeedCommon
HatRed Hood+34+50 Common
HatFeather Hat+38+7+1 Jump, Absorb Wind, Strengthen WindCommon
HatHeadgear+44+3+1 PA, +1 JumpCommon
HatTriangle Hat+49+17+2 MACommon
HatGreen Beret+54+1+1 Speed, +1 MoveCommon
HatTwist Headband+60+13+2 PACommon
HatThief Cap+67+0+2 SpeedVery Uncommon
HatHoly Miter+72+21Strenghten Holy, Initial RegenCommon
HatGolden Hairpin+79+35Immune Confusion, SilenceCommon
HatFlash Hat+88+5+1 MA, +1 SpeedCommon
HatBlack Hood+103+2 Common
HelmetLeather Helmet+37+6+1 SpeedCommon
HelmetBronze Helmet+42+4 Common
HelmetIron Helmet+47+8+1 PACommon
HelmetBarbuta+53+5+1 JumpCommon
HelmetMythril Helmet+59+2+1 SpeedCommon
HelmetGold Helmet+65+9 Common
HelmetCross Helmet+73+0+1 MACommon
HelmetDiamond Helmet+82+7 Common
HelmetPlatinum Helmet+91+0 Common
HelmetCirclet+100+0Half Holy, Half DarkCommon
HelmetCrystal Helmet+110+3 Common
HelmetGenji Helmet+130+1 Uncommon
HelmetGrand Helmet+150+0Immune Darkness, SleepRare

Accessories List

TypeAccessroy NameEffectRarity
MantleLeather MantleEvade Physical:10% Magical:10%, +1 Speed Common
MantleWizard MantleEvade Physical:15% Magical:15%, +1 MA Common
MantleVanish MantleEvade Physical:35% Magical:0% , Strengthen Dark, Initial Transparent Rare
MantleSmall MantleEvade Physical:20% Magical:20% , Half HolyCommon
MantleDracula MantleEvade Physical:15% Magical:30%Common
MantleElf MantleEvade Physical:30% Magical:15%Common
MantleFeather MantleEvade Physical:25% Magical:25%Uncommon
Accessory108 GemsStrengthen Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark; Immune Blood Suck, Frog, PoisonCommon
AccessoryAngel Ring Immune Undead, Darkness; Initial ReraiseUncommon
AccessoryBattle Boots +1 Speed, +1 MoveCommon
AccessoryBracer+3 PACommon
AccessoryCursed Ring +1 PA, +1 MA, +1 Speed; Permanent UndeadVery Uncommon
AccessoryIron Armlet +1 PA; Half Earth; Immune Don't Move, Don't ActCommon
AccessoryDefense Ring Half Wind; Strengthen Water; Immune Death, SleepCommon
AccessoryDiamond Armlet +1 PA, +1 MA; Immune Oil, SlowCommon
AccessoryFeather Boots Strengthen Wind; Permanent FloatCommon
AccessoryGenji Gauntlet +2 PA, +2 MACommon
AccessoryGerminas Boots +1 Move, +1 JumpCommon
AccessoryJade Armlet Half Water; Strengthen Earth; Immune Petrify, StopCommon
AccessoryMagic Gauntlet +3 MACommon
AccessoryMagic Ring Half Ice; Strengthen Ice; Immune Silence, BerserkCommon
AccessoryN-Kai Armlet Half Dark; Strengthen Holy; Immune Confusion, CharmCommon
AccessoryPower Wrist +1 PA; Half Fire; Strengthen FireCommon
AccessoryRed Shoes +1 MA, +1 MoveCommon
AccessoryReflect Ring Permanent Reflect; Initial ProtectCommon
AccessoryRubber Shoes Half Lightning; Strengthen Lightning; Initial ShellCommon
AccessorySpike Shoes +1 Speed, +1 JumpCommon
AccessorySprint Shoes +2 SpeedCommon
PrefumeChantagePermanent Regen; Initial ReraiseRare
PrefumeCherche+1 PA, +1 MA; Permanent Float, ReflectRare
PrefumeSalty RagePermanent Protect, ShellRare
PrefumeSetiemsonPermanent HasteRare

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