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Battle Skill

Battle Skill Abilities

Battle Skill Abilities are physical attacks, even if shot from a magical gun.

Ability NameRangeAoEHit %EffectRarityPrimary Roll%Secondary Roll%
Armor BreakWeapon Range0(PA + WP + 48)%Remove Target's Body Equipment; If none, Basic Attack Instead.Common50%35%
Head BreakWeapon Range0(PA + WP + 40)%Remove Target's Head Equipment; If none, Basic Attack Instead.Common50%35%
Magic BreakWeapon Range0(PA + 50)%DamageMP(50%)Common50%35%
Mind BreakWeapon Range0(PA + 52)%-3 MACommon50%35%
Power BreakWeapon Range0(PA + 52)%-3 PACommon50%35%
Shield BreakWeapon Range0(PA + WP + 56)%Remove Target's Shield Equipment; If none, Basic Attack Instead.Common50%35%
Speed BreakWeapon Range0(PA + 54)%-2 SpeedCommon50%35%
Weapon BreakWeapon Range0(PA + WP + 32)%Remove Target's Weapon Equipment; If none, Basic Attack Instead.Common50%35%

Battle Skill (Holy Sword) Abilities

all sword skills are WEAPON-ELEMENTAL, meaning that they take on the elemental of the equipped weapon, if it has any. If the equipped weapon is non-elemental, then sword skills using that weapon are non-elemental.

Ability NameRangeAoECTMP CostEffectRarityPrimary Roll%Secondary Roll%
Dark Sword20217AbsorbMP (PA * WP)Rare34%19%
Explosion Sword44(linear)227Damage (PA * (WP + 3)); Chance to add ConfusionExtremely Rare13%6%
Justice Sword20221Damage (PA * (WP + 2)); Chance to add Death SentenceVery Uncommon49%27%
Night Sword20323AbsorbHP (PA * WP)Very Rare30%17%
Stasis Sword11319Damage (PA * (WP + 1)); Chance to add StopRare37%21%
Surging Sword11325Damage (PA * (WP + 2)); Chance to add SilenceVery Rare22%13%