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Final Fantasy Tactics Battleground (FFTBG) Beginner's Guide

Final Fantasy Tactics Battleground (FFTBG) is a Twitch stream where viewers can participate in betting on the outcome of automated battles between randomly generated units. We will touch on the two different phases in the tournament, !fight and !bet.

Joining the !fight

At the beginning of each tournament in eight teams are generated at the beginning of each tournament, each consisting of four randomized units. During this period, you can try to enter the tournament yourself by typing !fight in the chat. If you are selected, a unit will bear your name and earn you an EXP reward with each victory.

You can also spend some gil to enhance your unit with up to four parameters: {class}, {sex}, {skill}, and -{exclude}. Each parameter costs 100 gil and is only deducted if chosen. While you can use any number of these parameters, {class} is required if you use two or more.

Using a skill guarantees that your unit will have the corresponding ability or effect, while excluding a skill prevents your unit from randomly receiving it. Skills and monster classes must be acquired before use (see the “Skills” panel for more information). Monsters have a unique price determined by their species (200 gil for normal monsters, 500 gil for strong monsters, and 800 gil for elite monsters) and cannot be used with other parameters.

You can see all the skills and classes available to you by typing !skills {#} and !classes {1-3} in the chat. During team generation, you will see each unit in detail as they are created. The order of information displayed is: Name, Gender, Zodiac Sign, Brave, Faith, Job, Secondary, Reaction, Support, Movement, Hand Equipment, Offhand Equipment, Head Equipment, Body Equipment, Accessory, Primary Abilities, Secondary Abilities.

Certain abilities and items are rarer than others, with the most powerful items and abilities being a rare (but still possible) sight.

Making the !bet

In Final Fantasy Tactics Battleground (FFTBG), viewers can earn gil, the stream’s currency, by betting on the outcome of matches. Each viewer starts with an initial balance of 1,000 gil and can check their current balance at any time by typing !balance in the chat.

Before each match, there is a 60-second window during which viewers can place their bets. To place a bet, type !bet (wager) (team) in the chat, where (wager) is the amount of gil you want to bet and (team) is the team you want to bet on. You can change or cancel your bet at any time before the deadline by typing !bet cancel in the chat. However, keep in mind that reducing or canceling your bet will result in a 10% cancellation fee.

You can also use shortcuts to quickly place bets. For example, you can type !allin (team) to bet all your gil on a team, !halfin (team) to bet half your gil on a team, or !betf (team) to bet an amount equal to your current gil floor on a team.

There's also other identifiers you can use, such as. !bet {#}{k or f} {color/side/ratio} for a 1,000/floor gil wager for a specific team, left or right, favorite or underdog.

Payout odds are determined by the ratio of total gil wagered on each side. The stream will match bets on one side up to 500 gil, so you can still earn gil even when there are few other viewers betting. You can check the current pot totals and odds at any time by typing !pot in the chat.

Part 2

Beginner's Guide Part 2

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