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 ====== BlueMage ====== ====== BlueMage ======
-Blue mages utilize abilities from different monster families. Abilities are ordered alphabetically.+Blue mages utilize abilities from different monster families and special classes.
-===== Animal Skill - Cat family and Pig family abilities. =====+===== Abyss Skill ===== 
 +//Skeleton Family and Squid Family abilities.// 
 +  * Knife Hand 
 +  * Aqua Soul 
 +  * Ice Soul 
 +  * Wind Soul 
 +  * Thunder Soul 
 +  * Tentacle 
 +  * Black Ink 
 +  * Level Blast 
 +  * Odd Soundwave 
 +  * Mind Blast
-===== Beast Skill Minotaur family and Behemoth family abilities. ===== +===== Animal Skill ===== 
-     +//Cat family and Pig family abilities.// 
-===== Bio - Apanda abilities. ===== +  * Scratch 
-     +  * Cat Kick 
-===== Bird Skill - Chocobo family and Aevis family abilities. =====+  * Blaster 
 +  * Poison Nail 
 +  * Blood Suck 
 +  * Accumulate 
 +  * Straight Dash 
 +  * Oink 
 +  * Bequeath Bacon 
 +  * Toot 
 +  * Snort
-===== Byblos - Byblos abilities. =====+===== Beast Skill ===== 
 +// Minotaur family and Behemoth family abilities.// 
 +  * Shake Off 
 +  * Blow Fire 
 +  * Gather Power 
 +  * Storm Around 
 +  * Mimic Titan 
 +  * Stab Up 
 +  * Frozen Cry 
 +  * Giga Flare 
 +  * Ulmaguest 
 +  * Hurricane
-===== Catfish Skill - Squid family and Cat family abilities. =====+===== Bio Skill ===== 
 +//Apanda abilities.// 
 +  * Bio Tenebris 
 +  * Bio Venenum 
 +  * Bio Oleum 
 +  * Bio Ranae 
 +  * Bio Sanctus 
 +  * Bio Silentium 
 +  * Bio Lapis 
 +  * Bio Immortuos 
 +  * Bio Mortem 
 +  * Bio Insanis
-===== Cerberus Skill - Hydra family and Minotaur family abilities. ===== 
-===== Chaos Skill - Bomb family and Goblin family abilities. =====+===== Bird Skill ===== 
 +//Chocobo family and Aevis family abilities.// 
 +  * Choco Attack 
 +  * Choco Ball 
 +  * Choco Esuna 
 +  * Choco Meteor 
 +  * Scratch Up 
 +  * Beak 
 +  * Feather Bomb 
 +  * Peck 
 +  * Shine Lover 
 +  * Fury
-===== Crypt Skill - Ghost family and Dragon family abilities. =====+===== Byblos Skill===== 
 +// Byblos abilities.// 
 +  * Energize 
 +  * Parasite 
 +  * Vengeance 
 +  * Manaburn 
 +  * Chicken
-===== Curse Skill - Eye family and Ghost family abilities. =====+===== Catfish Skill ===== 
 +//Squid family and Cat family abilities// 
 +  * Tentacle 
 +  * Black Ink 
 +  * Level Blast 
 +  * Odd Soundwave 
 +  * Mind Blast 
 +  * Scratch 
 +  * Cat Kick 
 +  * Blaster 
 +  * Poison Nail 
 +  * Blood Suck 
 +  * Accumulate
-===== Demon Skill - Demon family abilities. =====+===== Cerberus Skill ===== 
 +//Hydra family and Minotaur family abilities.// 
 +  * Triple Attack 
 +  * Triple Thunder 
 +  * Triple Flame 
 +  * Triple Breath 
 +  * Dark Whisper 
 +  * Noxious Gas 
 +  * Shake Off 
 +  * Blow Fire 
 +  * Gather Power 
 +  * Storm Around 
 +  * Mimic Titan
-===== Dinosaur Skill - Dragon family and Hydra family abilities. =====+===== Curse Skill ===== 
 +//Eye family and Ghost family abilities.// 
 +  * Wing Attack 
 +  * Beam 
 +  * Doom 
 +  * Look of Fright 
 +  * Look of Devil 
 +  * Throw Spirit 
 +  * Knife Hand 
 +  * Grease Touch 
 +  * Drain Touch 
 +  * Zombie Touch 
 +  * Sleep Touch
-===== Disease Skill - Malboro family and Skeleton family abilities. =====+===== Demon Skill ===== 
 +//Demon family abilities.// 
 +  * Nanoflare 
 +  * Lifebreak 
 +  * Giga Flare 
 +  * Despair 
 +  * Despair 2 
 +  * Dark Holy 
 +  * Ultima 
 +  * Hurricane 
 +  * Ulmaguest 
 +  * Empower 
 +===== Dinosaur Skill ===== 
 +//Dragon family and Hydra family abilities.// 
 +  * Slam 
 +  * Tail Swing 
 +  * Thunder Breath 
 +  * Ice Breath 
 +  * Fire Breath 
 +  * Holy Breath 
 +  * Triple Attack 
 +  * Triple Thunder 
 +  * Triple Flame 
 +  * Triple Breath 
 +  * Dark Whisper 
 +  * Noxious Gas
-===== Dungeon Skill - Goblin family and Dragon family abilities. =====+===== Disease Skill===== 
 +//Malboro family and Skeleton family abilities.// 
 +  * Tendrils 
 +  * Bad Breath 
 +  * Moldball Virus 
 +  * Goo 
 +  * Lick 
 +  * Noxious Gas 
 +  * Knife Hand 
 +  * Aqua Soul 
 +  * Ice Soul 
 +  * Wind Soul 
 +  * Thunder Soul
-===== Familiar Skill - Cat family and Eye family abilities. =====+===== Dungeon ===== 
 +//Goblin family and Dragon family abilities.// 
 +  * Tackle 
 +  * Eye Gouge 
 +  * Mutilate 
 +  * Goblin Punch 
 +  * Turn Punch 
 +  * Slam 
 +  * Tail Swing 
 +  * Thunder Breath 
 +  * Ice Breath 
 +  * Fire Breath 
 +  * Holy Breath
-===== Farm Skill Chocobo family and Pig family abilities. =====+===== Farm Skill ===== 
 +//Chocobo family and Pig family abilities.// 
 +  * Choco Attack 
 +  * Choco Ball 
 +  * Choco Esuna 
 +  * Choco Meteor 
 +  * Straight Dash 
 +  * Oink 
 +  * Bequeath Bacon 
 +  * Toot 
 +  * Snort
-===== Forest Skill Tree family and Aevis family abilities. =====+===== Forest Skill ===== 
 +//Tree family and Aevis family abilities.// 
 +  * Leaf Dance 
 +  * Calm Spirit 
 +  * Protect Spirit 
 +  * Magic Spirit 
 +  * Spirit of Life 
 +  * Magic Barrier 
 +  * Scratch Up 
 +  * Beak 
 +  * Feather Bomb 
 +  * Peck 
 +  * Shine Lover 
 +  * Fury
-===== Foul Skill Pig family and Malboro family abilities. =====+===== Foul Skill ===== 
 +//Pig family and Malboro family abilities.// 
 +  * Straight Dash 
 +  * Oink 
 +  * Bequeath Bacon 
 +  * Toot 
 +  * Snort 
 +  * Tendrils 
 +  * Bad Breath 
 +  * Moldball Virus 
 +  * Goo 
 +  * Lick 
 +  * Noxious Gas
-===== Giant Skill Hydra family and Behemoth family abilities. =====+===== Giant Skill ===== 
 +//Hydra family and Behemoth family abilities.// 
 +  * Triple Attack 
 +  * Triple Thunder 
 +  * Triple Flame 
 +  * Triple Breath 
 +  * Dark Whisper 
 +  * Noxious Gas 
 +  * Stab Up 
 +  * Frozen Cry 
 +  * Giga Flare 
 +  * Ulmaguest 
 +  * Hurricane
-===== Glutton Skill - Pig family and Goblin family abilities. =====+===== Imp Skill ===== 
 +//Goblin family and Eye family abilities.// 
 +  * Tackle 
 +  * Eye Gouge 
 +  * Mutilate 
 +  * Goblin Punch 
 +  * Turn Punch 
 +  * Wing Attack 
 +  * Beam 
 +  * Doom 
 +  * Look of Fright 
 +  * Look of Devil
-===== Gore Skill - Behemoth family and Skeleton family abilities. =====+===== Griffin Skill ===== 
 +//Aevis family and Cat family abilities.// 
 +  * Scratch Up 
 +  * Beak 
 +  * Feather Bomb 
 +  * Peck 
 +  * Shine Lover 
 +  * Scratch 
 +  * Cat Kick 
 +  * Blaster 
 +  * Poison Nail 
 +  * Blood Suck 
 +  * Accumulate
-===== Imp Skill - Goblin family and Eye family abilities. =====+===== Havoc Skill ===== 
 +//Bomb family and Goblin family abilities.// 
 +  * Bite 
 +  * Self Destruct 
 +  * Flame Attack 
 +  * Fire Breath 
 +  * Small Bomb 
 +  * Tackle 
 +  * Eye Gouge 
 +  * Mutilate 
 +  * Goblin Punch 
 +  * Turn Punch
-===== Labyrinth Skill - Dragon family and Minotaur family abilities. =====+===== Hex Skill ===== 
 +//Cat family and Eye family abilities.// 
 +  * Scratch 
 +  * Cat Kick 
 +  * Blaster 
 +  * Poison Nail 
 +  * Blood Suck 
 +  * Accumulate 
 +  * Wing Attack 
 +  * Beam 
 +  * Doom 
 +  * Look of Fright 
 +  * Look of Devil
-===== Limit - Cloud's job abilities. =====+===== Labyrinth Skill ===== 
 +//Dragon family and Minotaur family abilities.// 
 +  * Slam 
 +  * Tail Swing 
 +  * Thunder Breath 
 +  * Ice Breath 
 +  * Fire Breath 
 +  * Holy Breath 
 +  * Shake Off 
 +  * Blow Fire 
 +  * Gather Power 
 +  * Storm Around 
 +  * Mimic Titan
-===== Lucavi Skill - Lucavi family abilities. =====+===== Limit Skill===== 
 +//Cloud's job abilities.// 
 +  * Braver 
 +  * Cross-Slash 
 +  * Blade Beam 
 +  * Climhazzard 
 +  * Meteorain 
 +  * Finish Touch 
 +  * Omnislash 
 +  * Cherry Blossom
-===== Marsh Skill - Tree family and Squid family abilities. =====+===== Lucavi Skill ===== 
 +//Lucavi family abilities.// 
 +  * Melt 
 +  * Tornado 
 +  * Quake 
 +  * Flare 2 
 +  * Demi 3 
 +  * Grand Cross 
 +  * All-Ultima
-===== Mighty Sword - Meliadoul's job abilities. =====+===== Marsh Skill ===== 
 +//Tree family and Squid family abilities.// 
 +  * Leaf Dance 
 +  * Calm Spirit 
 +  * Protect Spirit 
 +  * Magic Spirit 
 +  * Spirit of Life 
 +  * Magic Barrier 
 +  * Tentacle 
 +  * Black Ink 
 +  * Level Blast 
 +  * Odd Soundwave 
 +  * Mind Blast
-===== Missile Skill - Aevis family and Bomb family abilities. =====+===== Mighty Sword Skill ===== 
 +//Meliadoul's job abilities.// 
 +  * Shellburst Stab 
 +  * Blastar Punch 
 +  * Hellcry Punch 
 +  * Icewolf Bite
-===== Nether Skill - Eye family and Hydra family abilities. =====+===== Missile Skill ===== 
 +//Aevis family and Bomb family abilities.// 
 +  * Scratch Up 
 +  * Beak 
 +  * Feather Bomb 
 +  * Peck 
 +  * Shine Lover 
 +  * Fury 
 +  * Bite 
 +  * Self Destruct 
 +  * Flame Attack 
 +  * Fire Breath 
 +  * Small Bomb
-===== Pet Skill - Aevis family and Cat family abilities. =====+===== Medusa Skill ===== 
 +//Eye family and Hydra family abilities.// 
 +  * Wing Attack 
 +  * Beam 
 +  * Doom 
 +  * Look of Fright 
 +  * Look of Devil 
 +  * Triple Attack 
 +  * Triple Thunder 
 +  * Triple Flame 
 +  * Triple Breath 
 +  * Dark Whisper 
 +  * Noxious Gas
-===== Pirate Skill - Skeleton family and Squid family abilities. =====+===== Nightmare Skill ===== 
 +//Behemoth family and Skeleton family abilities.// 
 +  * Stab Up 
 +  * Frozen Cry 
 +  * Giga Flare 
 +  * Ulmaguest 
 +  * Hurricane 
 +  * Knife Hand 
 +  * Aqua Soul 
 +  * Ice Soul 
 +  * Wind Soul 
 +  * Thunder Soul
-===== Ranch Skill - Minotaur family and Chocobo family abilities. =====+===== Pet Skill ===== 
 +//Aevis family and Cat family abilities.// 
 +  * Scratch Up 
 +  * Beak 
 +  * Feather Bomb 
 +  * Peck 
 +  * Shine Lover 
 +  * Fury 
 +  * Scratch 
 +  * Cat Kick 
 +  * Blaster 
 +  * Poison Nail 
 +  * Blood Suck 
 +  * Accumulate
-===== Robosnake Skill - Steel Giant and Serpentarius abilities. =====+===== Ranch Skill ===== 
 +//Minotaur family and Chocobo family abilities.// 
 +  * Shake Off 
 +  * Blow Fire 
 +  * Gather Power 
 +  * Storm Around 
 +  * Mimic Titan 
 +  * Choco Attack 
 +  * Choco Ball 
 +  * Choco Esuna 
 +  * Choco Meteor
-===== Roc Skill - Behemoth family and Chocobo family abilities. =====+===== Robosnake Skill ===== 
 +//Steel Giant and Serpentarius abilities.// 
 +  * Destroy 
 +  * Compress 
 +  * Dispose 
 +  * Repair 
 +  * Snake Carrier 
 +  * Toxic Frog 
 +  * Midgar Swarm 
 +  * Scream 
 +===== Phantom Skill ===== 
 +//Ghost family and Dragon family abilities.// 
 +  * Throw Spirit 
 +  * Knife Hand 
 +  * Grease Touch 
 +  * Drain Touch 
 +  * Zombie Touch 
 +  * Sleep Touch 
 +  * Slam 
 +  * Tail Swing 
 +  * Thunder Breath 
 +  * Ice Breath 
 +  * Fire Breath 
 +  * Holy Breath
-===== Spirit Skill - Ghost family and Bomb family abilities. =====+===== Roc Skill ===== 
 +//Behemoth family and Chocobo family abilities.// 
 +  * Stab Up 
 +  * Frozen Cry 
 +  * Giga Flare 
 +  * Ulmaguest 
 +  * Hurricane 
 +  * Choco Attack 
 +  * Choco Ball 
 +  * Choco Esuna 
 +  * Choco Meteor
-===== Tentacle Skill - Squid family and Malboro family abilities. =====+===== Spirit Skill ===== 
 +//Ghost family and Bomb family abilities.// 
 +  * Throw Spirit 
 +  * Knife Hand 
 +  * Grease Touch 
 +  * Drain Touch 
 +  * Zombie Touch 
 +  * Sleep Touch 
 +  * Bite 
 +  * Self Destruct 
 +  * Flame Attack 
 +  * Fire Breath 
 +  * Small Bomb
-===== Undeath Skill - Skeleton family and Ghost family abilities. =====+===== Tentacle Skill ===== 
 +//Squid family and Malboro family abilities.// 
 +  * Tentacle 
 +  * Black Ink 
 +  * Level Blast 
 +  * Odd Soundwave 
 +  * Mind Blast 
 +  * Tendrils 
 +  * Bad Breath 
 +  * Moldball Virus 
 +  * Goo 
 +  * Lick 
 +  * Noxious Gas 
 +===== Troll Skill ===== 
 +//Pig family and Goblin family abilities.// 
 +  * Straight Dash 
 +  * Oink 
 +  * Bequeath Bacon 
 +  * Toot 
 +  * Snort 
 +  * Tackle 
 +  * Eye Gouge 
 +  * Mutilate 
 +  * Goblin Punch 
 +  * Turn Punch
-===== Vine Skill - Malboro family and Tree family abilities. =====+===== Undeath Skill ===== 
 +//Skeleton family and Ghost family abilities.// 
 +  * Knife Hand 
 +  * Aqua Soul 
 +  * Ice Soul 
 +  * Wind Soul 
 +  * Thunder Soul 
 +  * Throw Spirit 
 +  * Knife Hand 
 +  * Grease Touch 
 +  * Drain Touch 
 +  * Zombie Touch 
 +  * Sleep Touch
-===== Wildfire Skill - Bomb family and Tree family abilities. =====+===== Vine Skill ===== 
 +//Malboro family and Tree family abilities.// 
 +  * Tendrils 
 +  * Bad Breath 
 +  * Moldball Virus 
 +  * Goo 
 +  * Lick 
 +  * Noxious Gas 
 +  * Leaf Dance 
 +  * Calm Spirit 
 +  * Protect Spirit 
 +  * Magic Spirit 
 +  * Spirit of Life 
 +  * Magic Barrier
 +===== Wildfire Skill =====
 +//Bomb family and Tree family abilities.//
 +  * Bite
 +  * Self Destruct
 +  * Flame Attack
 +  * Fire Breath
 +  * Small Bomb
 +  * Leaf Dance
 +  * Calm Spirit
 +  * Protect Spirit
 +  * Magic Spirit
 +  * Spirit of Life
 +  * Magic Barrier
 +This page has been accessed for:
 +Today: {{counter|today}} / Yesterday: {{counter|yesterday}}
 +Until now: {{counter|total}}
  • fftbg/bluemage.1678713774.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/03/13 13:22
  • by rentedred