
Punch Art

PUNCH ART commands are physical attacks – even Secret Fist, which uses MA in its success formula. Spin Fist, Pummel, Wave Fist, and Earth Slash can all score critical hits (~5% rate).

Ability NameRangeAoEHit%EffectElementPrimary Roll%Secondary Roll%
Chakra01Heal (PA * 5) and HealMP (PA * 5 / 2)52%40%
Earth Slash88(Linear)Damage [PA * (PA / 2)]Earth50%35%
Pummel10Damage [PA * Random(1,9) * 3 / 2]50%35%
Purification01(PA + 77)%Cancel Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act82%75%
Revive10(PA + 69)%Cancel Death; If successful, Heal (25)%74%66%
Seal EvilWeapon0Undead: (Speed+58)%Add Petrify49%30%
Secret Fist10(MA + 50)%Add Death Sentence50%35%
Spin Fist01Damage [PA * ((PA + 1) / 2)]50%35%
Wave Fist30Damage [PA * ((PA + 2) / 2)]Wind50%35%
  • fftbg/skills/punchart.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/25 14:12
  • by rentedred