
Summon Magic

Moogle, Shiva, Ramuh, Ifrit, Titan, Golem, Carbunkle, Bahamut, Odin, Leviathan, Salamander, Sylph, Fairy, Lich, Cyclops, Zodiac.

Ability NameRangeAoECTMP CostElementHit%EffectPrimary Roll%Secondary Roll%
Moogle42315Faith(MA + 150)%Cancel Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Oil, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Don't Move, Don't Act; If successful, Heal (10)%77%70%
Shiva42426IceDamage Faith(MA * 23)50%35%
Ramuh42426LightningDamage Faith(MA * 23)50%35%
Ifrit42426FireDamage Faith(MA * 23)50%35%
Fairy42630Heal Faith(MA * 24)50%35%
Titan42534EarthDamage Faith(MA * 27)50%35%
Golem00(Global)438[(Faith/100) * (MA + 225)]% Set target team's Golem to MaxHP; Until depleted, any damage from a basic Attack is dealt to the Golem instead50%35%
Carbunkle42836Faith(MA + 140)%Effect: Cancel Death, Undead, Petrify, Charm, Sleep, Death Sentence; If successful, Heal (20)%64%56%
Sylph42742WindDamage Faith(MA * 30); Chance to add Silence50%35%
Salamander42846FireDamage Faith(MA * 32); Chance to add Oil49%30%
Leviathan43950WaterDamage Faith(MA * 36)50%35%
Odin431056HolyDamage Faith(MA * 39)37%21%
Bahamut431162DarkDamage Faith(MA * 44)28%16%
Cyclops421166Damage Faith(MA * 50)34%18%
Lich42944DarkFaith(MA + 160)%Damage (60)%45%25%
Zodiac431399Damage Faith(MA * 99)8%2%
  • fftbg/skills/summonmagic.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/25 18:20
  • by rentedred