
White Magic

Abilities with “Heal” in the effect deal Damage to “Undead” status units.

Ability NameRangeAoECTMP CostHitEffectElementPrimary Roll%Secondary Roll%
Cure5135Heal Faith(MA * 15)55%45%
Cure 251410Heal Faith(MA * 20)50%35%
Cure 351616Heal Faith(MA * 30)50%35%
Cure 451824Heal Faith(MA * 40)49%30%
Raise50410Faith(MA + 190)%Cancel Death; If successful, Heal (50)%82%75%
Raise 250920Faith(MA + 165)%Cancel Death; If successful, Heal (100)%50%35%
Reraise40714Faith(MA + 155)%Add Reraise50%35%
Regen4138Faith(MA + 175)%Add Regen50%35%
Protect4126Faith(MA + 200)%Add Protect50%35%
Protect 241518Faith(MA + 245)%Add Protect50%35%
Shell4126Faith(MA + 200)%Add Shell50%35%
Shell 241518Faith(MA + 245)%Add Shell50%35%
Wall40422Faith(MA + 145)%Add Protect, Shell50%35%
Esuna51217Faith(MA + 205)%Cancel Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act.86%80%
Holy50653Damage Faith(MA * 46)Holy45%25%
Magic Barrier30935Faith(MA + 202)%Add Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell, Haste (All)12%5%
  • fftbg/skills/whitemagic.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/25 14:25
  • by rentedred